An awesome new place opened to get pampered while enjoying your food. Definitely a place to look forward to Tenshi Cafe, the first Japanese joint venture Maid Cafe which focus on cosplay, maid and butler’s services rather than the food which is similar to the authentic Maid Cafe in Akihabar Japan. Infinitely exciting.
The maids and butlers are professionally trained by real maids from Japan. They speak Japanes truly fluently and caught my admiration. They provide top notch service to the cafe’s patrons. By welcoming you to the cafe, getting you to your table, taking your orders, serving your food and ensuring you have a good time,
The Food Power Up and my friend Tjek Lim recieved such an awesome treat!. The maids and butlers can also feed you too! wow!
The awesome Hahah deal.
1* Choice of any Japanese Rice
1* Choice of Kawaii-Bento
1* Tenshi Dessert
2 * Ice & Shaky
Normal Price: RM83
Deal Price: RM38
Discount: 55%
Deal only available during these dates: 29 Mar 2011 – 3 April 2011
Hahah Rewards Multiplier
Tier 1: After a total of 30 transactions: FREE “Spoon Feed – 3 spoons” worth RM3.
Tier 2: After a total of 50 transactions: FREE Choice of “Conventional Games” or “Playstation 3” for one round worth RM5.